First cake, now flowers: Supreme Court gives florist who refused to serve gay wedding a new hearing

First cake, now flowers: Supreme Court gives florist who refused to serve gay wedding a new hearing

When it comes to serving same-sex weddings, the Supreme Court reasoned that what’s good for the baker is good for the florist. Having ruled that a Colorado baker was treated unfairly for refusing to create a wedding cake for a gay couple, the justices said a Washington florist deserves a new hearing

First cake, now flowers: Supreme Court gives florist who refused to serve gay wedding a new hearing, Huntsville News

First cake, now flowers: Supreme Court gives florist who refused to serve gay wedding a new hearing, Huntsville News
First cake, now flowers: Supreme Court gives florist who refused to serve gay wedding a new hearing, Huntsville News First cake, now flowers: Supreme Court gives florist who refused to serve gay wedding a new hearing, Huntsville News First cake, now flowers: Supreme Court gives florist who refused to serve gay wedding a new hearing, Huntsville News First cake, now flowers: Supreme Court gives florist who refused to serve gay wedding a new hearing, Huntsville News First cake, now flowers: Supreme Court gives florist who refused to serve gay wedding a new hearing, Huntsville News First cake, now flowers: Supreme Court gives florist who refused to serve gay wedding a new hearing, Huntsville News 


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