Here are some goats wreaking havoc on a Boise neighborhood

Here are some goats wreaking havoc on a Boise neighborhood

More than 100 goats feasted on the suburban lawns.

More than 100 goats took over a neighborhood outside of Boise, Idaho, and because it is August, and also pretty adorable, it is now news.

KTVB’s Joe Parris broke the story, which begins with neighbors on a block in West Boise waking up to dozens and dozens of goats breakfasting on lawns, rose bushes, shrubs, trees. “They’re just going yard to yard eating everyone’s front lawn,” Parris said on air.

Animal control showed up, according to KTVB, but only brought one truck for 118 goats. The source of the goat invasion remained a mystery until the news station discovered that they belonged to a company called We Rent Goats, which specializes “in renting herds of goats to remove noxious weeds from fields, acreage, pastures, open spaces, ditches, ravines, embankments … you name it and the goats can clear it.”

It turns out the goats were on the clock, eating weeds in a drainage ditch, according to the Washington Post. They broke free and, naturally, went on to sample the suburban flora. Their feast/free lawn care services ended by around 8:30 am local time — about an hour and a half later — when the bosses of We Rent Goats arrived in the neighborhood to round up their rogue employees.

Author: Jen Kirby
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